Friday, November 26, 2010

My scars are suddenly almost completely faded. Except one. I don't think it healed right, it gets awful itchy and it, it just looks weird.

Also, our phone has "Oricom" written on it, but I thought it said "Omicron". I was momentarily amused.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I love my nephew to pieces, but I know for certain I do no want kids. I don't know how my sister is doing it, I couldn't.

Friday, November 19, 2010

My last post seems really emo and whiney.
I really am interested in knowing if anyone reads this, and what you think of me.

Because I'm female like that.
Does anyone read this?

Does anyone notice?

Does anyone care?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

So, International students and Queensland student can get concessions on trains, but not other Australian state students? How messed up is that??

Paying Fifty bucks to get home. I've spent so much money, I hope I can save after this week. It shoulod be easier, I've bought clothes to keep me going, I end up paying more in Tassie coz my options are so limited. I hate how much I've spent. It's like, I want to go travel, but I hate that it will pretty much send me broke.

I was watching Glee again, 'Never Been Kissed', ah such a beautiful episode. I thought 'god, I can't believe people get hassled like that, it never happens over here,' then realised I was the one that got hassled like that at my school. Derp.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nothing boosts your confidence like seeing your nephew in the morning and having him sob and say "Don't talk to me, you're scary!".
I have realised I seriously resent my parents and sought to escape them because if it wasn't for them I would have put myself out of my misery years ago.
Oh my godddd, it's, like, totally been, like, agesss, since I've, like, blogged!

Hmm but yah, as I'm sure you're all totally gagging for the next thrilling installment of my unlife, I shall recap.
Flew to Brisbane. Stayed at Daddy's. Went to WhiteWaterWorld with Nikki and Koby. Went shopping. Went to Maryborough. Came back to Brisbane. I got back on the 8th. I'd like to slow down a minute. But I think the next three months are going to feel like this no matter what.

Anyway, saw Jess this afternoon, twas win! It was like we'd only seen each other yesterday, and we both knew the drill, junk food, scary movie, gossip. Hehe. I had so much fun.

Going shopping again tomorrow. I don't need anything. I will probably spend too much :( Haha.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A moment you felt most satisfied with your life.





I'm not sure what it even feels like to be satisfied with your life. I don't mean that in a complainy way, I just mean I really can't imagine it. So I don't know if I have ever felt it, you know?
Besides, I demand more than mere satisfaction. That sounds so dull.