Friday, July 2, 2010

You say goodbye, and I say hello.

2 dawning...wait, 3, dawning realisations today.

1. I have splitting headaches from having my jaw clenches so tightly all day.

2. I think the reason I cry so much watching Glee and Supernatural is because I spend my whole life fighting back tears. Glee and Supernatural gives me an excuse.

3. So. In Glee, The Power of Madonna episode - poor Finn, he sleeps with Santana and then wonders why he doesn't feel any different (he is such a cutie like that lol) but he says "I don't feel anything because it didn't mean anything". I don't know, maybe it doesn't feel different anyway, but I suppose on some level after, you should feel different - after the first time with anyone, you know? Emotionally. But maybe that some stupid girly fairy tale way of looking at it, and therefore would not affect me in the slightlest, haha. But my dawning realisation was maybe this is true and would explain a thing or two in my own life.

You know, I tell people that I have no idea what I want to do with my life. That's...well that's not true. I know exactly what I want my life to be. But I really can't do anything about it, don't try to tell me I can - if I told you what I want my life to be, you'd understand. I tiger can't change it's stripes and all that. Mostly, I'm just here, killing time until some great revelation comes into my life where I then can make my life what I want it to be - or I die.

Life sucks.

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