Sunday, October 24, 2010

I'm going to be a teacher. It's going to take 5 years at university, but I will be specialising in Philosophy and English.

I will be able to travel with it.

Mostly, I want to be a teacher that listens to her students. Because really, how flippin infuriating is it when they don't see you as people? Or not smart enough to have anything important to say? Or not old enough to feel seriously depressed?

I want them to tell me the best way to teach them, how they learn best, etc.

I want to teach that one class that you hate just a little less.

That sounds like great motivation, right? I mean, it's genuinely how I feel, but really, I don't think I will do any good.

You know what I want to be? A SWAT officer. A vigilante. A NAVY SEAL.

Haha. But I can't imagine ever being that fit. I mean, I've been part of a gym, gotten up at 5am and been at the doors before the place was even open. I worked hard, man. I am also uber un-co. I just didn't seem to get anywhere. I would love a life spent with my muscles burning, fast thinking a survival essential, never a minute without some kind of injury sustained in the line of duty. Guns hidden around my house, a knife under my pillow, sleeping in clothes and combat boots. I like the idea of a whip hidden in the back of my jacket, handle waiting for my hand. The end will be tipped with blades, of course. Haha.

I blame Matthew Reilly books. Scarecrow is awesome, I'm pretty jealous of his life. Haha.

But, that's all epic silly. So I am going to be a teacher. My life will be teaching students who don't care, who hate each other for shallow reasons, marking paper after paper at night, total routine in general. Ew.

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