Friday, April 8, 2011

!*&^%$(@Q^!(^!!! Is basically how I felt until I spoke to Bek. The stupid freakin bank said the loan was approved, which meant I pretty much could have moved in on Monday. BUT NO! IT'S NOT APPROVED, THEY WANT MORE FUCKING PAPER WORK!! And of course it takes fucking forever for them to do anything because they never work, god forbid they would have to lift a finger to earn their stupidly high salaries. I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS MUCH LONGER. I've been in a hotel for 6 weeks, living of fast food because I'm way too poor to fork out for half-decent food which is hard to find anyway, god I feel like crap, tired and ew and I've put on weight. It's getting cold and all my warm stuff is in storage than I can't get to until I have a flippin house. My room gets invaded everyday which I hate and my room is a mess because I don't have anywhere to properly put stuff away and I have to keep changing rooms anyway. My hay-fever and insomnia meds are in storage and I can't afford to buy more when I still have some.
I can't even look for work until I get into my house, not having an address and living on the opposite side of Launnie than I will be anyway.
On top of uni, where no matter how hard I try I can't get above 63% in my subjects. being smart was all I had, all I was proud of, my depression totally destroyed me and I can't repair it. I'm trying so fucking hard, but it's not working!

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