Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hell of a day.

Ergh. Throwing up. Can't tell if I'm sick or it's stress related. Supposed to pay rent today, but (and yes I realise how white trash this sounds) centrelink hasn't paid me. It's a week and a half late. I really don't like not being able to pay rent.

I am assuming my payment should also be changing today considering it's the beginning uni orientation week, which is mandatory. But nothing appears to be happening with that.

I really should have gotten a parcel today, I've been awake since 8 in paranoia that I would miss them delivering it and they wouldn't just leave it at the door. Ma posted it Tuesday. I want my trackies! Lol. It's not that big of a deal, just expectation leading to disappointment really.

It was -1 degree at 10 o'clock today. How does it not snow here?

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