Thursday, September 16, 2010

Soo, got up early, got my groceries delivered. Yay, coz it's heavy and I do fornightly shopping and it was free delivery so I'm happy.

Then I had uni. My god, was it windy. I hate wind, I would have preferred rain. I spent my lecture doodling. I'm pretty proud of my doodlings, I suck at drawing but these turned out pretty good, lol. Except for my first attempt at a Catholic cross where I had a brain spaz. But I like my tree. Lol.

Then I went to buy more groceries. Actually, I waited for like 15 minutes in line at the post office, when I was the first person in line. I only had half an hour to do that, get groceries and get over to the bus, so I got frustrated. Then at the check out the lady finished serving the customers in front of me (who clearly had too many items to be in the express lane anyway) and kept talking to them and didn't serve me, I wanted to yell at her.

So yes, that was boring, but everything I hate about Tasmania managed to condense itself into 4 hours of my life.

Also, I am stuck and confused. I want to teach. I think. I am torn. I am two personalities (I'm not claiming to have the mythical DPD or whatever). I want to teach, I feel like I would love it. Then I think, I want something with more of a rush, more adrenaline, but what? I feel like everything would be too boring until I get to the point where I would have to be a deadly mercenary or something, and then it would be too much and I would flip-out and break down in a month. One extreme or another. I mean, one side craves the need to face death everyday, the other side just wants stability. So I have no clue.


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